Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to reduce invalid URL crawling and indexing:Website optimization

Many websites, especially B2C, the condition of product filtration system (such as the choice of product brand, price, size, performance, parameter and so on) will produce a large number of invalid URL, of course, known as invalid only from the SEO perspective, these URL and cannot generate SEO role, but had the negative effect, so the URL is not included for reasons including:
A large number of filter conditions page content duplicate or very similar to (a lot of copied content will make the site as a whole decline in the quality)
A large number of filter conditions page does not correspond to the product page no content (eg, select "less than $ 100 42 inch LED TV)
The vast majority of filter conditions page ranking ability (rank much lower than the category page), but a waste of some weights
These filter conditions page is not the product pages will include the necessary channels (product page should have the other within the chain to help crawl and included)
Great waste of crawling a large number of filter conditions page spidering time, resulting in useful pages will include the opportunity to decline (filter conditions page combination is a huge amount of)
So how do you try to make these URLs will not be crawling and indexing, and included it? A few days ago a post how to hide content may also become the SEO issues discussed similar issues, such filters page is to think one of the hidden content types. But unfortunately, I can not think of the perfect solution. Cloud morning watch, I think that can not be a perfect solution.
Steps / methods:
One is not to record the URL remain dynamic URL, intentionally even more dynamic and better, to stop is to crawl and index. However, search engines are now able to crawl, indexed by dynamic URL technology, and more and more is not a problem. Although many parameters to a certain extent is not conducive to collect, but 4, 5 parameters are usually also included. We cannot be sure how many parameters need to stop included, so cannot be used as a reliable method. But these URL received within the chain, and there is no ranking ability, will waste some weight.

Second methods, robots prohibition included. Similarly, URL received within a chain will receive a weight, the robots file forbidden creeping these URL, so the receiving weight cannot pass out (search engine crawling won't know what export link), page became the weight not only into the black hole.
Even to the URL link with nofollow also is not perfect, and robots bans similar, nofollow in Google effect is that URL is not receiving weight, weight but has not been assigned to other links, so the weight also wasted. Baidu said to support nofollow, but how to deal with unknown weight.
The URL link in the Flash, JS is not used, the search engine has to crawl Flash, JS links, and estimated later become more adept at climbing. Many of the SEO overlooked point is, JS link can not only be climbed, but also can transmit the weight, and the normal connection.
Can also be made into AJAX filter links form, after the user clicks will not visit a new URL, or in the original URL, URL was added at the back of #, were not regarded as different URL. And JS, search engines are actively trying to crawl, crawl the content of the AJAX, this method is not insurance.

On page head with noindex+follow tags, which means this page don't index, but follow the links on the page. It can solve the problem of duplicate content, also solves the problem of weights (weights is black hole with export links to other pages), can not solve the waste of spider crawling time, these pages are the crawling spider crawling (then can see page HTML noindex+follow tag), for some sites, filter pages the amount is huge, crawl the page, the spider did not have enough time to climb useful page.

One can consider the way to hide page (cloaking), also is the use of procedures for the detection of the visitor, is the search engine spider words back pages removed these filter link, users are then returned to normal with a filtering condition page. This is a relatively ideal solution, the only question is, can be used as a cheat. Search engines often talking about SEO to judge whether or not cheating is the supreme principle: if no search engine, would you do so? Perhaps say, a certain method is just to search engine and uses? Obviously, using cloaking do not want to be crawling URL is for a search engine to do, not for the user to do. Although the circumstances of cloaking is better, not malicious, but there are risks, daring to try.

Also a method is to use the canonical tag, the biggest problem is Baidu whether support unknown canonical label, and is on the search engine is proposed, not instruction, it is said that the label search engines may not comply with, is useless. In addition, canonical tags are specified standardized URL, page whether to apply some filtering condition of doubt, after all, the page content is often different.

The better method is one of the iframe+robots prohibited. The filter portion of the code into the iframe, equal to call other file content, of the search engine, this section does not belong to the current page, or hide content. But do not belong to the current page is not equal to not exist, the search engine can be found in iframe content and links, or may crawl these URL, plus robots forbidden creeping. The contents of the iframe will still have some weight loss, but because the iframe links in the current page is not from the shunt weights, but only from the called file shunt, so weight loss is less. In typesetting, browser compatibility, headaches, iframe method is a potential problem is that the risk of cheating. Now the search engines generally don't think iframe's cheating, many ads are placed in the iframe, but hide a bunch of links and hidden advertising some subtle difference. Back to the search engines judge cheating general principle, it is specifically for the search engines do. Remember the Matt Cutts said, Google may change with iframe mode, they still hope that in the same page to see the ordinary user can see all content.
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Notebook power adapter when using the heat causes and solutions

It is normal for it to work, to convert the output, it will consume energy, there will be a part of into heat also depends on whether you installed on the battery or the battery is normal. Laptop power adapter is actually a high-precision, high-efficiency switching power supply, its role is to 220v AC power is converted to low voltage DC to provide stable power for the normal work of the notebook computer, it can even be called a notebook the computer "source of power."
Notebook power adapter is about questions and answers. Such as:
Q: Why exactly the same machine, Managing someone else's notebook power adapter , I always very hot?
Do not doubt your notebook power adapter , take a look at your books are doing, is not like the above said two usb hard drives, cpu is running at full speed crazy, hard to read and write, CD-ROM drive at full speed to read the disk, at the same time charging the battery , stood loud music, screen brightness, wireless LAN has been in the detection signal, the use of power management, according to the task of rationally adjust the books of the state is very important. Many people do not like to use power management, I have even seen many of my friends do not want to install power management software to any kind of management mode is enabled, it is also fitted him to do? Will not be just want to look at the battery remaining percent How much it?
Q: I filled the battery-line power when the lenovo t500 adapter is not too hot, but do not install the battery for a burnt to death on normal? Why?
I filled the battery-line power supply when the power adapter is not too hot, but do not install the battery for a burnt to death on normal? Why
Batteries, notebook power adapter to charge the battery by battery driven books, the battery is medium. To remove after the battery. Becomes the adapter directly to start the notebook. Charge and DIP are different concepts. When charging, you should look at the battery's hot? Are normal. Rest assured it.
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I recently bought a laptop computer, notebook power adapter and pressed but I only spent about 30 minutes like hot ah ask the computer problems are so I use it every time
In theory, it is normal
Itself the power adapter is not a good heat dissipation, and his interior is a large inductor constitute a necessary way of the current transfer box is closed, plus it is summer, if you heat does not exceed your hands the ability to accept that are normal, I believe that I am not wrong, your computer and power adapter all I own in the laptop repair years ~ ~
Inside the lenovo laptop power adapter is a switching power supply, high voltage, high current state, the workload is heavier, and is fully enclosed structure, there is no cooling holes in the shell, the internal fan to the auxiliary heat, thus the laptop power supply adapter at work, the internal temperature is very high. Especially during the hot summer, touching the surface you can feel hot, the internal temperature is higher. Which the daily office, entertainment to its proper maintenance and maintenance.
(1) to create a good thermal environment
Use of laptop computers in the high temperature environment, the power adapter to place free from direct sunlight and well ventilated place; power adapter on the laptop near the cooling air outlet, otherwise not only the heat of the power adapter dissemination does not go out, but also absorb some of the heat. In the hot summer, we can put the adapter on its side in order to increase the contact area of the adapter with air, so that the adapter heat better distributed out. In order to get a better cooling effect, we can pad between the adapter and the desktop into a narrow plastic block or piece of metal in order to increase the air convection speed of the adapter around, speed up the adapter's heat.
2 exception occurs shall promptly stop using
Loud noise or smoke in the laptop ac adapter is often damaged or malfunction, should immediately stop using once again put into use only by maintenance by a professional engineer.
(3) a reasonable charge
When the laptop battery is charging, it is best not to run large-scale 3d games and other procedures for the machine heavy workload, so because of the amount of surplus power adapter output power is not enough battery charge slower or sufficient dissatisfaction, overloading the power adapter.
Four different models of notebook power adapter can not be mixed
Different brands of laptop power adapter, there are some differences in output, voltage and current values, and therefore can not be mixed. Otherwise, ranging from the battery sufficient dissatisfaction with the power, the screen flashing, the weight is to burn the notebook computer motherboard or other hardware. Different models of the same brand notebook power adapter in the other time also should be careful, it is recommended to consult professional engineers after the operation.
Hot in summer so the notebook power adapter fever is inevitable, we must pay attention to the thermal environment. Due to rapid market development of the technology development notebook power adapter and switching switching power adapter , power adapter will be more convenient.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Penguin algorithm:SEO surviving

The Google Penguin algorithm turned out to be a great change in English SEO industry, resulting in a black hat and white hat SEO practitioners caught restless. Feeling a sudden no matter to where all can see the big cattle are those who flaunt SEO experts, faced with keywords from the previous stable top five until now simply not have the last name, stunned, and looked sluggish seems to rivers and lakes never more than this about SEO has been the death of the gossip (whether the argument is not a joke). Exactly like a situation I have come to .....
April 29, 2012 "Panda after the penguins, the ranking algorithm to promote SEO techniques to update the article, emphasizing the penguins of the Google algorithm update. In 10 days time, we have a large number of foreign trade website tracking and observation, and also some well-known foreign SEO blog has done some research. Now we can conclude that: Google's launch of the Penguin algorithm is to attack those who exist to optimize the excessive and spam the site. Then how this penguin algorithm change will be some search engine optimization over the place adjustment? This is the answer given to us this article. Penguin algorithm to clean up the object

First, we clear on two elements: the this Penguin algorithm is aimed at optimization of the excessive and spam sites to clean up and down the right.
Optimize the over-the algorithm update, mainly for the use of SEO techniques, a keyword ranking push. Specific practice of keyword stuffing, perfectly matched and consistent anchor link text as well as unnatural outside the chain. The Penguin algorithm in optimizing over the entire station and page down the right, but only for the optimized keywords. In other words, the optimization excessive, the weight of your website and ranking will not drop your pages weights and ranking will not drop the traffic (long tail), you will have a significant focus on optimizing the keywords ranked The degree of decline.

Spam sites, divided into a spam source site and the presence of spam sites (What is a spam source? Can refer to our previous article "trust ranking of search engines and anti-trust ranking algorithm"). The former refers specifically to the use of mass tool for site information, and the construction of the outer chain; the latter site there are a large collection of content and a variety of illegal violations. If the site is classified as a spam source, may lead to the site as a whole (Domain Level) affected by the down the right; Similarly, if the site of memory in a large number of spam also may be subject to the impact of this penguin algorithm.

For Penguin algorithm SEO adjustments
As an SEO, we need to do is to challenge the search engine algorithms, to find a balance between the "Allow" and "allow", then this equilibrium point extended to the surface, thus affecting our site. Penguin algorithm update is not terrible, but the frightening thing is that Baidu will learn to Google to do some change on the algorithm. This would be the SEO of our domestic produce a heavy blow.

A rainy day, how to avoid these potential risks, to adapt to the problems brought about by the Penguin algorithm. The author's ideas are as follows:
  1. Over-optimization : we see, search engines have begun to reduce and combat the effect of exactly match the anchor link to a page. According to the observations of penguins algorithm, we can see that the appropriate choice of "an exact match anchor links section matching the anchor link", as well as the entire article title link the effectiveness of the search engine seems to be better.

In other words, 20% -30% matching anchor link tells the search engine of this article with which keywords related to weight (70% -80% partial matching anchor links and the whole title of the article links to enhance page right Page the Level Authority), this approach should be feasible and reasonable and natural.

  1. Spam : At this point, our foreign counterparts farther. They observed that a Gmail mailbox and found this sentence: Click "learn more", we have seen so many words:
Gmail uses automatic spam detection system model to analyze and predict what types of messages are deceptive or potential threat. The following is the mail marked as spam consider a number of factors:

Adult content and know-how "to get rich quick" usually related to content with spam
posing as "returned mail" response (if the mail is undeliverable because the recipient's email address is invalid, you will automatically receive a system-generated e-mail) e-mail
account or IP address from the sending of spam e-mail
with other Gmail users' behavior, for example, many users report spam from a sender
to consider the theme, spelling and formatting elements such as and suspicious attachments, the
language used in the similarities between e-mail to your Gmail language preferences and other spam or phishing messages

Foreign counterparts, the study found, the algorithm of penguins on the identification of spam is the use of Gmail mailboxes anti-waste disposal algorithm. Focus:

Information published on the Internet, and other spam or phishing are similar, the information is judged to be spam; the
information posted on the Internet, if the text is different from the published Web site, were determined to be junk information outside the chain outside the chain of mass tool (multi-);
information published on the Internet, adult content and know-how "to get rich quick" is usually related to content with spam was determined to be spam;
to The information released from the spam source IP address was determined to be spam;
There is also a: a lot of relevant information and site content is judged to be spam.
Solution 1. anchor text diversification
If you build itself outside the chain, you are probably already made the decision to spend much time or energy to do what anchor text is outside the chain should reflect your target keywords, and what they want to make him look more natural and not for the purpose of a ranking. Although you probably have more or less aware of the chain are taking into account the two types of outside, but a lot of SEOer election difficult to select the first class of the outer chain, it is true, a lot of manpower and material resources used to create can not be directly attributable to outside the chain of rank is a very boring thing, but now you have to ensure that more than 50% of the outer chain anchor text is outside your target keywords. You used what anchor text? Assessment data from the AB test, the anchor text such as " the" MySiteDomain "the" "," http://www the. "
like operating a real business to operate your SEO website
In hand, Shanghai amount of site data analysis process, we found that the biggest problem is that those who look to the website of the Trade is just from Google to get traffic to make money web site performance is much better than those a look. How did all this mean? Many factors, one attempt to get traffic from sources other than Google. Not only make your website it would be to reduce dependence on Google's transformation seem the vagaries of the search results, and those of other traffic sources will certainly indirectly help you Lord standing in the search engines get a good ranking.Penguin Rewards Natural Backlinks
Ultimately, there are no real shortcuts when it comes to building solid, all-natural organic backlinks. Reputable SEO experts know this to be one of the primary truisms of the industry. Penguin rewards positive, honest linking practices like mixed anchor text and on-page optimisation at the expense of sneaky tactics like Javascript redirects and cloaking. That’s a good thing both for clients and SEO experts alike. It levels the playing field and gives the good guys a fighting chance against spammers and fly by night marketers that aren’t above resorting to temporary gimmicks to pull in traffic.

in this little shop : rankings dipped,i will change the method and Winning A Wrestling Match With The Google Penguin