Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Battery life for Asus laptop

In order to really answer more accurately, you should give the model number of your laptop. However, the "newer models" will usually have a lithium ion type battery. Depending on the type of use (whether you are using your cd often, or if you are using a wireless card, etc.) a new battery should run about 2 hours. The newer "web books" can often go up to 3 hours or more, but these units using won't have a CD or floppy.
If you have a lithium ion, they do not have to be plugged in all the time. The older nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal batteries did need to be used to about 3-5% of the remaining "battery life", and then fully recharged. Only recharging one of these laptop batteries partially will develop a short life span of the replacement laptop battery as it not fully recharge. The nickel-cadium batteries if not used and recharged fairly often, the electrolytes sink to the bottom of the battery. As a result, recharging the battery after an extended storage period would be needed.
The battery for asus a32-k52 that comes with your laptop is more than likely going to stay with it for the rest of the laptop’s life. Most batteries last about three to five years, which at that point many people just want to replace the laptop. So, they will just deal with how the battery acts, until the new computer arrives. This means that keeping your current battery in good condition is crucial. The sad fact is that capacity of the battery will suffer from decreased performance as time goes on. You can’t stop it from happening, but here are some things you can do to slow it down.
Do not try to cycle the Asus K52F battery all the way down. This used to be an issue with past asus a32-n82 laptop battery types. Those needed to be used until they were almost dead before recharging. However, the new lithium ion batteries that most electronics have do not ‘like’ to be discharged fully. A fully discharge increases stress in the battery and actually lowers the number of times the battery can be used.
Stay out of extreme temperatures. Batteries are best used at a place where the temperature does not change frequently. This does not mean you cannot take your laptop to class during the winter or summer months. Leaving it in a hot car or leaving it in the direct sunlight, can hurt the life of a battery. This especially applies when charging a battery.
If the battery will not be used for weeks, store it. Many battery manufactures suggest using the asus laptop battery until it is around 40% remaining and then storing it in a cool dry place. This will help to keep the battery from draining too much when not in use. Storing a fully charged battery for long periods of time is not suggested. Taking a fully charged extra on the road with you is good, but leaving it on your computer desk for two months is probably not.

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