As long as the Voltage is very close to that of the HP Laptop, then the chances are there.
Go through this checklist and if all answers are yes, then go ahead :-)
Is voltage within 3% up or 5% down?
Is the polarity of the plug the same? (ie + in the middle and - outside)
Is its capacity (marked ampere) within 20% down and 50% or more up?
Are you sure you understand the above questions and how to figure out their answers?
More information that might be of interest regarding this issue: Laptops are not normally dependent on a special dell laptop power-supply
made by the manufacturer of that particular brand or make.
There are some HP laptops with a special connector with 3 wires. They do
not accept a power-supply with only 2 wires, at least not without some
The absolute number one most important factor is the voltage it gives
out. Too high a voltage can seriously damage your laptop beyond repair. A
voltage that is too low on the other hand may allow you to run the
computer but it might not charge the battery.
If the chosen power-supply has got too little "juice" in it (Ampere),
then it will simply cut off power due to being overloaded. This should
not harm the computer.
Such a laptop ac adapter
can still in most cases run the laptop. Just let it charge the battery
first. When battery is fully charged, then switch computer on.
A laptop charging the battery whilst being on can easily draw 90 watt,
where as when it does not charge the battery it will only draw between
30 and 50 watt depending on model.
Captive Market
When you buy a product that uses proprietary hardware, you then
become part of a "captive market." A captive market is a group of buyers
who cannot shop elsewhere. This then allows the companies involved to
engage in rent-seeking behavior and generate greater profits.
HP's Reasons
By limiting your options only to sanctioned HP power adapters,
HP can then charge more for its adapters, since you have no alternative
Dell's Reasons
Dell is pulling the same trick, since if you are in possession of
Dell accessories you are then more likely to buy a Dell computer. In
addition they do not want to help any competitor, since a computer
without power is no good. Thus you are more likely to buy a replacement
computer, which hopefully will be a Dell according to their reasoning.
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